
Take care everyone and stay cool in the heat!
Until next time!
I attended a local craft show the weekend of Mothers Day and the weekend before, sold a few things, so that was fun! Still have my/our stuff at The Pit Stop in Rock Creek, MN. Thinking about beefing up the items there, just not sure how gemstone jewelry will sell at a convenience store! Also down the highway from the Pit is a consignment shoppe I have been wondering about. They are looking for local crafters so I might have to check that out!
Hmm what else...Oh, I planted my little garden! I've got cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers and jalapeno peppers all planted! Now it't the weeding and waiting game I call it. LOL.
We have been jonesin' to go boating, but it just hasnt worked out yet! Either the weather is bad or we just are too busy or working when its nice out...go figure, huh? After the near 80 degrees today I was looking forward to the weekend, that is until I heard it was supposed to rain all weekend!!! Oh well, that gives me time to stay indoors and bead! hehe. Well I could clean too, but beading sounds sooo much more fun!
So here I go. Off to create some more jewelry!!