Welcome to my new Blog!For starters, my name is Jen. I am 27 years old and live with my husband, Adam, our dog, Remington, and our three cats: George, Bob and Bonzai, in lovely Minnesota. No children yet, our animals are our family! Ü
I create handmade jewelry under the name of Jennifer Lynn Jewelry. You can find my work for sale at jenniferlynnjewelry.etsy.com! I have been selling on Etsy for about 5 months now and I have to say its been pretty exciting! I also have a full-time job, so creating jewelry takes up the rest of my time. My housework suffers, but making jewelry is so much more fun than dusting!!! UGH!!
I am really looking forward to Spring! It is soooo exciting to see the last of the snow melting - now comes the mud! Already I have been wiping up little paw prints Rem has been tracking in after going outside!
Some new gemstone beads received last week.... check em out...