Mandarin Orange - Mandarin Garnet and Sterling Silver Necklace
Friday, December 4, 2009
Working on Photos
Mandarin Orange - Mandarin Garnet and Sterling Silver Necklace
Monday, September 21, 2009
Fun, Food, Family
When our family gets together it seems like we always make way to much food. For our small gathering I brought pork tenderloin (which I won on $1.00 at the local meat raffle - SWEET!), and fruit pizza per my dads request!
I was a little leary of cooking the pork. Normally me + pork = dry meat you cant chew enough and wash down with any amount of water! Thank God for is all I have to say. I found and easy recipe which I tweeked a little and the tenderloin turned out FANTASTIC! Needless to say it was a hit and is now the meat of choice for all our family gatherings!
The fruit pizza bars is also the new birthday cake for our family. So easy, and yummy! Very refreshing after a good hearty meal!
Here are some pics and the recipe!
1 pkg refrigerated sugar cookie dough
1 pkg cream cheese, softened
1 8oz container whipped topping
1/4-1/2 cup confectioners sugar
Fruit of choice - I use strawberries, blueberries and kiwi
Either a pizza crust or 9x13 shallow pan
Spread the dough in the ungreased pan getting all the way to the edges. Bake cookie dough until the edges are just turning golden brown. Remove from over and cool a few hours or overnight.
Mix the softened cream cheese, whipped topping and powdered sugar until well mixed. Spread over cooled crust.
Top with fruit!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Another Treasury!

Hoping to get lots of stuff done this weekend.... I am ready to run out the door, take care of the horses, take the dogs for a jog, mow at my parents house then home to hopefully get some jewelry stuff done! I am working on a jewelry for a wedding - 12 sets!! I gotta get cranking out some new earwires!! I also am working on new inventory for the Pit Stop! I hope gas station go-ers like gemstones!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Included in a Etsy Treasury!
For some reason I cannot get a copy of the picture to save...maybe I am just tired....
Monday, June 29, 2009
New Necklaces!

Take care everyone and stay cool in the heat!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
So much to do, so little time....
Currently, my cat, Bonzai, is recovering from declawing and neutering, so I am kinda focused on that little guy right now!!

Until next time!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My weekend project....Earwires!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Its been a while....
Lets see here....Since my last post life has been pretty busy...
My tulips have come and gone...

I attended a local craft show the weekend of Mothers Day and the weekend before, sold a few things, so that was fun! Still have my/our stuff at The Pit Stop in Rock Creek, MN. Thinking about beefing up the items there, just not sure how gemstone jewelry will sell at a convenience store! Also down the highway from the Pit is a consignment shoppe I have been wondering about. They are looking for local crafters so I might have to check that out!
Hmm what else...Oh, I planted my little garden! I've got cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers and jalapeno peppers all planted! Now it't the weeding and waiting game I call it. LOL.
We have been jonesin' to go boating, but it just hasnt worked out yet! Either the weather is bad or we just are too busy or working when its nice out...go figure, huh? After the near 80 degrees today I was looking forward to the weekend, that is until I heard it was supposed to rain all weekend!!! Oh well, that gives me time to stay indoors and bead! hehe. Well I could clean too, but beading sounds sooo much more fun!
So here I go. Off to create some more jewelry!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Chicken Wild Rice Salad
Chicken Wild Rice Salad
3 cups cooked wild rice
3 cups cooked chicken, diced
1 cup green grapes, halved (red work too)
1 small can water chestnuts, chopped
1/2 cup celery, chopped fine
1 bunch green onions, chopped fine
1 cup Hellmans Mayonnaise
1/2 cup slivered almonds (optional)
Mix all ingredients, season to your liking with salt and pepper, chill and enjoy!
This salad is super on a hot summer day, not too light, not too bulky. Lots of fiber, lean protein, perfect! I was going to take a picture, but the salad is all gobbled up!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Here are my newest fav earrings!
I made myself a pair a while back using Apatite briolettes - LOVE THEM!! These dont seem to be flying off the shelves, so we will see if I create anymore of these in some different colors.... I have tons of teeny weeny briolettes that work just perfect for these, I could make a whole garden of colors!
Speaking of gardens, I am excited to get my flowerbeds all spiffed up and my garden ready to plant! My tulips are getting close to blooming! Hopefully within the next few days we will get some much needed rain! The forecast does call for showers this weekend.... Imagine that, pristine during the work week and rainy on the weekend.... whats new!!
As soon as my tulips bloom I will be trying to take some decent pics and get them posted!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Onion Skin Easter Eggs Tutorial
Next, grab a white egg straight out of the carton and cover the entire egg with pieces of onion skin so that no white spots are showing. This is a bit tricky - those little buggers can be slippery!
Now, grab your cotton string and begin wrapping around and around the egg. Make sure you leave a little tail at the beginning because you will need to tie that to the other end of string after you have wrapped all the way around.
Place all the wrapped eggs in a large pan.
Pour your onion skin water, with whatever onion skins are leftover, over your wrapped eggs.
Boil eggs for 20 minutes. This is important that you boil for 20 minutes. It makes the colors more vibrant!
After they have boiled for 20 minutes, cool them down in cold water. You can open them right away or you can do what we do and save them for Easter day and we all open a few. Its like unwrapping a gift because they are all different!
We usually place them back in the egg cartons and wrap in a plastic bag to keep moist. If they dry out too much the onion skins dry onto the egg and need to be soaked again.
Here is one I "opened". Pretty gorgeous huh!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday...some good, some bad...
My husband was informed when he arrived at work today that he will be getting laid off on April, 17th. Not a huge shocker since there have been layoffs recently at his work, but its still a solid kick in the shorts, thats for sure. Thankfully my wonderful husband is quite talented and can turn his hand at just about anything, except making jewelry of course...LOL, you should see him squint his eyes at the stuff I do and wonder how I can get my fingers and eyes to work on something sooooo tiny. Oops, got off to a small tangent there. Anyways, he is great and we are both hoping and praying that it will work out for the best! Ya gotta be optimistic in times like these!
Now for the good news! I received a lovely package in the mail today, well actually 3 packages! I felt like it was my birthday, I LOVE getting mail.. HAHA! One of the packages I was particularly excited to receive. It was my chain! LOL, probably doesn't sound that exciting, but since it was chain I needed to complete a custom order, it was way more exciting than normal!
So here it is! Yay! The finished product!
Love it!!! I think it looks great oxidized! Really makes the color POP!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Burned grass + Remington = Dirty puppy

He's so cute I could just squeeze him!! Gently, of course Ü
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sterling Rings...
I hammered a couple and I am sportin' 'em!
Ick, I hate up close pics of fingers! Especially my own!
So after I get my soldering down, I really want to make myself a spinner ring!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happy Thursday
As for jewelry news: here is my newest. Just finished and could not wait to snap a few pictures! This is the single most expensive bead I have had the privilege of! I will be listing on Etsy in a bit. OMG its just to die for! Now just to come up with the words to describe....hmmm....I can hear the little hamster in the wheel up there....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I am still figuring out this whole blogging thing, so bear with me while I get a hang of this!
Sunday, March 22, 2009